10 Stupidest Things That Ever Happened In TNA

2. The Reverse Battle Royal

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Bound For Glory 2007 opened up with a typically-excellent 'Ultimate X' showpiece pitting LAX vs. Triple X. The gimmick bout showed everything that was right with TNA, so of course they mucked it up by putting on one of the most asinine stipulation bouts ever just moments later.

Ladies and gents, the 'Reverse Battle Royal'.

16 wrestlers started outside the ring and fought to get inside it. The first eight who achieved that erm...feat would advance to a standard Battle Royal, and the final two men left standing who hadn't been chucked over the top rope would meet in a singles match. Got it? Lord only knows why this didn't catch on...

The sheer lack of drama as guys such as Eric Young, Bobby Roode, Petey Williams and Chris Harris tried to roll into the ring was frightening. Fans in Georgia yawned their way through the process, and didn't really start reacting until it came down to a one-on-one match between Young and Roode.

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Rob Van Dam
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.