10 Stupidest Things That Ever Happened In TNA

1. Suicide

Suicide TNA

The action figure business is a good way for any wrestling promotion to make some extra dollars, and the same goes for video games. In 2008, TNA tried to combine both by introducing the high-flying daredevil Suicide to the Impact Zone audience - he was straight out of that year's TNA iMPACT! video game.

A fine idea, but that name.

Suicide was blatantly aimed at kids. He was supposed to be a superhero in the same mould as Spider-Man, albeit with a little Deadpool attitude. It might've been marketable had the character been called something like 'Manik' (which would eventually become his official moniker) and not bloody Suicide.

TNA were shooting themselves right in the foot by expecting parents to chirpily buy their kids action figures and games that revolved around a wrestler who promoted self-destruction. Promoting a gimmick who literally had "Suicide" painted across his chest was bold at best and, being honest, downright stupid.

What other stupid things happened in TNA? For more like this, check out 10 Wrestling Stories That Blurred Reality and 10 WCW Moments That Weren’t Supposed To Happen!

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Rob Van Dam
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.