10 Successful Mismatched WWE Tag Teams

6. Booker T & Goldust

Owen Hart Yokozuna

WWE's version of the nWo from 2002 was... well, a disaster. Scott Hall was in no condition to wrestle, Kevin Nash kept getting injured, the fans wouldn't boo Hulk Hogan, and X-Pac was there. But I digress.

One of its members was Booker T, who at the time was drawing the attention of the outlandish Goldust. The Bizarre One was hoping to team with Booker, who repeatedly refused due to Goldust's proclivity for costing him victories. When Booker was quite literally kicked out of the nWo by Shawn Michaels however, he was left only with Goldust.

Together, the two were (no pun intended) gold. Their backstage comedy segments were delightful, and they had strangely excellent in-ring chemistry. Though they only held the World Tag Team Championships for about three weeks, they were easily one of WWE's most popular pairings.

After losing their Tag Title rematch to The Un-Americans, Booker and Goldust split amicably. Booker focused his attention on the World Heavyweight Championship and other singles titles, while Goldust adopted what was essentially a "Tourette's Syndrome" gimmick before being released at the end of 2003.

In an all-too-brief time, these two created one of WWE's best comedy tag teams of all time.


He/him/his. Born in 1992. Lifetime native of Massachusetts. Part-time columnist. Aspiring actor/singer. Black Belt. Twitch Affiliate. Drinks iced coffee all year round. Loves pro-wrestling and MMA.