10 Superstars WWE Have Elevated In 2021

4. Big E

Riddle Raw Talk

In the 2020 draft, fan anticipation was high when Big E was separated from the New Day.

Not because anyone wants the group to split, including the trio themselves, but because it finally felt that WWE had understood what they have with Big E. One of the most charismatic men in wrestling, he is a genuine babyface who the crowd love and who can explode into the ring with devastating effect.

It was definitely time to fly solo.

After relieving Sami Zayn of the WWE Intercontinental Championship at the end of December, it felt for certain that 2021 was going to be Big E's year. Then, due to the laziness of WWE creative, he slipped into an endless and, let's be honest, dull feud with Apollo Crews, even dropping the strap to him at WrestleMania.

But fans needn't worry, as after winning Money In The Bank, Big E eventually turned up on Raw and successfully cashed in on Bobby Lashley. It was a surprising move, especially as Big E basically picked the bones of an injured champion, but since then, Big E has comfortably morphed into the role as champion.

It just feels right, and it's almost sad that it has taken WWE this long to realise what they have in Big E. Which is, essentially, a megastar in the making.

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Matt Riddle
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A wrestling fan for over two decades, a proud father of an awesome little girl. Am also an international best selling independent author of mindless action novels!