10 Surprising Wrestlers Who've Done Deathmatches

8. Kenny Omega

Kenny Omega Jon Moxley

AEW might struggle to top the main event of last year's Full Gear when they produce the pay-per-view's follow up on 7 November. There, known pain merchant Jon Moxley coaxed erm... not-known pain merchant Kenny Omega into an unsanctioned brawl that turned into quite the deathmatch.

Mox wasn't f*cking about here. He had frustrations to vent following a miserable few years spent watching the clock in WWE, and he planned to go all out with Omega. Kenny, hardly a shrinking violet but definitely not revered for hardcore stuff, was willing to meet him halfway and use everything from barbed wire beds and broken glass to mousetraps.


Being honest, working this match had to suck for both men. It doesn't matter how Mick Foley-esque Moxley's approach to pain is - this cannot have been fun. Poor Omega looked like he was living his worst nightmares throughout.

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Cody Rhodes
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