10 Surprising Wrestlers Who've Done Deathmatches

7. Kurt Angle/Shane McMahon

Kurt Angle Shane McMahon

Vince McMahon definitely experienced a waking nightmare as he watched an Olympian belly-to-belly his only son through very-real glass at King Of The Ring 2001. The WWE boss wanted the match to stop, but Kurt Angle and Shane returned to the ring for more (literal) bone-breaking bumps minutes later.

Some might scoff at the inclusion of this on the list, but think about it: Angle is an Olympic wrestling great, and Shane-O is the boss' boy. It's slightly shocking that they were willing to put their bodies through such torture when they probably didn't have to; fans (and office) would've accepted a standard ringside brawl.

Screw that, they said. Broken glass it is.

Infamously, production workers had blown out the planned sugar glass when testing pyro earlier in the night. They replaced one of the set piece panels with actual glass and hoped nobody would notice. Shane McMahon did.

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Cody Rhodes
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