10 Surprising Wrestlers Who've Done Deathmatches

5. Will Ospreay

Jimmy Havoc Will Ospreay Deathmatch

'Aerial Assassin' Will Ospreay shook the foundations of pro wrestling traditions by working dazzling gymnastics displays opposite Ricochet and others in New Japan. Before all that though, the flyer cut his teeth in UK outfit PROGRESS, and he returned home for some ultra-violence in 2017.

On 26 March that year, Ospreay worked a 'Loser Leaves PROGRESS' brawl with Jimmy Havoc that encouraged fans in London to bring their own weapons. Predictably, that led to chaos, and Ospreay's horrified face told quite the story as Havoc took a cheese grater to his head.

That was just the start.

This deathmatch style showed a different side to Ospreay. Fans know him more as an acrobatic flyer who chains intricate spots together - he makes it look effortless, so it was quite the shocker to see Will bleed on home turf when he'd made a name for himself doing anything but.

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Cody Rhodes
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