10 Surprising Wrestlers Who've Done Deathmatches

4. Kay Lee Ray/Viper

Kay Lee Ray Viper Piper Niven ICW Fear & Loathing XI
ICW/David James Wilson

This one is personal.

Your writer provided colour commentary on Kay Lee Ray vs. Viper (NXT UK's Piper Niven) at ICW's Fear & Loathing XI pay-per-view in late-2018. He was just a few feet away as both women put their bodies through the wringer by using barbed wire tables, thumb tacks aplenty and every weapon they could find.

Despite the thousands in attendance popping for every major spot, it was possible to hear KLR and Viper screaming in pain as these real-life best friends battered lumps out of one another. The finish was particularly gruesome - Ray wrapped some barbed wire around Viper's mouth and pulled back.

Think Omega vs. Moxley from AEW Full Gear 2019, only worse. KRL had serious torque on her pal's neck, and ended the match by cutting Viper's mouth up pretty badly. From ringside, yours truly thought about grabbing a nearby bucket to hurl. He'd never witnessed a match quite that brutal in person, and never expected it from this duo.

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Cody Rhodes
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