10 Most Surprising WWE Moments Of 2014

8. Alberto Del Rio Is Fired/Quit

When Alberto Del Rio signed with WWE, he was immediately positioned as a main event guy with his own personal ring announcer and an impressive entrance that featured a variety of luxury cars. He was not only a Mexican wrestler, he was a main event Mexican wrestler who represented a large and growing ethnic group in the United States. The sky seemed to be the limit for Del Rio and his world title win confirmed this. Then something went wrong. Del Rio was given an ill-advised babyface turn and then put in a weird feud with Tea Party/Super American Jack Swagger over his Mexican heritage. When that failed to catch fire, he turned on his manager Ricardo Rodriguez and was placed in a feud with the returning Rob Van Dam. After floundering for a number of months, things finally came to a head when a backstage WWE worker allegedly made a racial comment about Del RIo having to clean up the catering area because he was Mexican. When the comment reached Del Rio, he confronted the worker and allegedly smacked him in the head. As a result of this, Del Rio was gone from WWE and subsequently challenged his 90 no-complete clause. He currently works for AAA in Mexico and is primed to be a huge star in his native country.
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CM Punk
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Mike Shannon hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.