10 Tattoos Wrestlers Totally Regret

6. Cody Rhodes’ Neck Brand

Bron Breakker Goldberg Tattoo

Is this cheating? Absolutely. Will Cody Rhodes come to regret having his "Nightmare Brand" logo plastered garishly on his neck someday? Absolutely. OK, perhaps that's unfair, but even Cody's wife Brandi has been openly critical of the piece in the media.

Fans also generally agree that the tattoo resembles one of those temporary transfer kids get of Spider-Man/Batman from local shops. To date, Rhodes has been pretty staunch in his defence of this artwork - he's proud to show off what he represents. That's cool and all, but he has to live with that on his neck forever.

Brandi must roll her eyes whenever she sees it staring back at her, and the worst thing about the tatt is that it doesn't fit in with anything else Cody presents to people. He wears classy suits and carries himself as a dignified, serious athlete. Then, one claps eyes on that literal 'Nightmare' and all bets are off.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.