10 Terrible Wrestling Gimmicks You Secretly Love

5. “Bum Ass” Baron Corbin

Baron Corbin Sad Bum Ass

Certain wrestling fans have decided that Baron Corbin is crap and that's that. He was a poor choice for Kurt Angle's retirement match, and sucked as 'Constable' on Raw, but Baron does have value. Check out his recent work in NXT alongside Bron Breakker for proof of that. Wolf Dogs forever.

One of the biggest criticisms chucked at Corbin is that he's boring. That wasn't true when he went from 'King' to 'Bum Ass' in 2021 though. The previously-minted royal lost all of his money after losing the crown, and slowly turned into a dishevelled mess of a man. Baron even stopped shaving his head and beard, and wore the same unwashed outfit constantly.

It was gold.

WWE elected to turn his fortunes around by debuting Happy Corbin soon after that, but this was a missed opportunity. Even Baron himself has said during interviews that 'Sad' Corbin could've become a breakout babyface had they just waited a little longer. Agreed. It could have been epic, and defo doesn't deserve the ridicule some attach to anything Corbin-related.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.