10 Things Cody Rhodes Achieved From The List

4. Moose (IMPACT Wrestling, March 2017)

cody rhodes list

Cody Rhodes' fourth and final IMPACT Wrestling contest saw him unsuccessfully challenge for Moose's Grand Title in March 2017. All things considered, the match worked well.

Contested in a system similar to that of traditional World of Sport clashes, Cody played the role of the underdog fighting back against the big beefy bruiser, a situation that Cody has consistently thrived in throughout All Elite Wrestling (see: Wardlow, Mr. Brodie Lee, et al). Moose destroyed Cody early on, with a Pop Up Powerbomb, jumping Senton, and diving Moonsault combination going down a treat.

The second round saw Rhodes mount a comeback through targeting Moose's lower limbs, which, again, is an area in which the American Nightmare proves himself as an expert. Cody was superb in his slow, calculated manner to bring Moose down a level. A simple dropkick to the knee is what began Cody's onslaught, creating a reliable star within Moose as a direct result. He sold wonderfully for Rhodes here.

You must remember that Moose was at the peak of his popularity here. It perhaps didn't come across as such in those dark days of IMPACT, but everywhere else he went, the then-Grand Champion was on the tip of everyone's tongue.

Of course Cody would want a slice of that attention.


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.