One of the great mans greatest ever rivalries was between a younger Sting and Big Van Vader (or Vader, as he's more affectionately known) in the early 1990s. They had some great tussles on WCW TV, perhaps most notably a Strap Match at SuperBrawl III in which there was more blood than the closing scenes of a horror movie. But way before that, the beginning of the Sting vs. Vader rivalry produced a horrific moment that saw the Stinger laid out of action for a good few months. It took place in Atlanta in April of 1992, and after Vader hit Sting with one of his trademark splashes from the corner, it broke three of his ribs and ruptured his spleen. That would have been enough to lay a few good men off for a lengthy period, but after successfully defending the belt that night (somehow), he would return as early as July of that year to face Vader again. To be perfectly honest, it's amazing that Vader hasn't hurt a few more guys throughout the course of his career, given how he's a "Super Heavyweight" and all.