10 Things You Didn't Know About WWE's Hell In A Cell Gimmick

2. The Barking Mad Version Of Hell In A Cell

At Unforgiven 1999, the Hell in a Cell took a rather strange turn. Somebody in WWE decided it would be a good idea to put a steel cage inside the cell, and then surround the moat between the cages with dogs. This would be christened as the "kennel from hell" match, and would be contested between Al Snow and Big Bossman (after Bossman had killed Snow's dog, cooked the remains and fed it to him). It sounds ridiculous on paper and was even worse in reality. The dogs inside the cell all had handlers, so the whole idea of threat was instantly nullified. Hilariously, the dogs were also as tame as can be, doing very little of note - other than one dog having a toilet moment on the mats. Funnily enough, WWE don't really mention this match as part of their hell in a cell canon. They rarely mention it at all, but when they do, it's usually part of a comedic reflection. This bastardisation of the hell in a cell gimmick could've hurt the entire cell concept. Thankfully, the 'kennel from hell' never made a return, and remains hidden away in our darkest memories.
WWE Writer

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