10 Things You Don’t Know About WWE In 1995

6. Triple H Debuted With A€Diamond Cutter?

Every wrestling fan equates Triple H with his finishing move, The Pedigree. Like Motorhead€™s music, it€™s an iconic part of the Triple H character. However, it wasn€™t the first finishing move Trips used in his debut match. Like many new characters in the early 1990s, Hunter Hearst Helmsley had a few vignettes introducing the character. He made his wrestling debut on the April 30th edition of Wrestling Challenge, facing Buck Zumhoff. However, he won his first match with a Diamond Cutter, which came quick and suddenly. On the May 6th edition of Superstars and the May 22nd edition of Monday Night Raw, he defeated Sonny Rogers and John Chrystal respectively using the same move.
In June, he debuted the Pedigree, and it€™s been his finishing move ever since.
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Justin has been writing about professional wrestling for more than 15 years. A lifelong WWE fan, he also is a big fan of Ring of Honor.