10 Things You Don’t Know About WWE In 1998

8. Vic Grimes And Erin O€™Grady Won WWF Contracts Off One Dark Match

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hg_0BWpPGrU In the days before the WWF had a Performance Center and talent scouts, dark matches were the best way of getting noticed by WWF agents. On a Monday Night Raw taping on January 20, 1998, two wrestlers by the name of Vic Grimes and Erin O€™Grady had a dark match that was apparently so good, both men were offered contracts on the spot. Grimes and O€™Grady had rapport with one another. In All Pro Wrestling, they had a feud where Grimes played the Goliath role and O€™Grady played the David role. Jim Cornette saw a tape of their feud in APW and told both men to attend the show where they got the contracts. Grimes would shuffle through WWF developmental and got a brief role on WWF television in 1999 as Key, a kind of drug dealer character that hung out with Droz and Prince Albert. The role didn€™t last long and he was sent back down to developmental before getting released. As for O€™Grady? Fans probably know him better by the name WWF game him when he hit the main roster€Crash Holly.

Justin has been writing about professional wrestling for more than 15 years. A lifelong WWE fan, he also is a big fan of Ring of Honor.