10 Things You Don’t Know About WWE In 1998

3. If Bret Hart Had Stayed, He Would Have Faced Shawn Michaels At Wrestlemania 14

In the Greatest Rivalries DVD, Bret Hart stated that had he ended up working out some sort of deal with Vince McMahon and stayed with the WWF in 1997, Bret and Shawn would have faced off in the main event of Wrestlemania 14 for the WWF Championship. Now, this information has only come from one source: Bret Hart. He had also stated that he was going to face Shawn at Wrestlemania 13 as well, had Shawn not gotten his knee injury. So that would make three straight Wrestlemanias with Bret and Shawn in the main event if things hadn€™t broken the way they did. If what Bret says is true, then the Montreal Screwjob may have been a blessing in disguise, because otherwise, we wouldn€™t have gotten the rise of Stone Cold Steve Austin as WWF Champion in 1998, and the Attitude Era may not have happened at all.

Justin has been writing about professional wrestling for more than 15 years. A lifelong WWE fan, he also is a big fan of Ring of Honor.