10 Things Everybody Gets Wrong About TNA

2. Hiring Kurt Angle Was A No-Brainer

Kurt Angle TNA Debut

Back in 2006, TNA gave Kurt Angle a new lease of life.

That's meant in the most literal sense. Upon leaving WWE, Kurt's life was a mess. He was plagued by painful injuries, his mental state was at an all time low and he had drug problems partially brought on by aforementioned pain. Even he's admitted before that Vince McMahon was probably right to distance himself.

TNA took a chance on Angle, and it's one they were glad to take. They recognised that a healthy Olympian could really bolster their roster, and they knew that announcing the capture of Kurt away from McMahon mitts might raise their profile. Plus, think of the matches Angle could have with AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Sting and others.

It wasn't a no brainer though. TNA had to weigh up Kurt's personal strife and tread carefully. Some younger fans might not understand just how much of a mess Angle was at the time, and that made TNA's decision to hire him all the more daring. It could have been a disaster.

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Kurt Angle
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