10 Things Everybody Gets Wrong About TNA

10. TNA Was Just WWE's Dumping Ground

EC3 Impact Wrestling

Everyone has heard this one by now.

Sure, TNA has hired a lot of ex-WWE and WCW cast offs over the years, and nobody is gonna' claim that signing The Nasty Boys in 2010 was a shrewd move. However, the promotion has produced a lot more homegrown talent than folks are willing to give them credit for.

Samoa Joe, despite cutting his teeth in ROH, rose to prominence in TNA, AJ Styles was one of the first true breakout stars the company ever had, EC3 shed the nightmare of his first WWE experience to become a bonafide headliner - there are loads of examples. TNA wasn't solely another hunting ground for discarded WWE releases.

Even those who did join from McMahon's cosy bosom found renewed purpose. Christian (as Christian Cage) finally fulfilled his main event potential, Team 3D helped elevate new teams like Beer Money, The Motor City Machine Guns and more, and then there was Kurt Angle (more on him later).

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Kurt Angle
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