10 Things Everybody Gets Wrong About TNA

9. The X Division's Purpose

AJ Styles X Division
Impact Wrestling

Eric Bischoff admitted on his '83 Weeks' podcast that he detested the X Division. "What even is it?", he asked, before dismissing TNA's secondary belt as a WCW Cruiserweight retread. Sadly for Bisch, he's wrong there. The X Division was more than a Cruiserweight 2.0 experiment.

It was a blueprint for pro wrestling's future.

TNA proudly exclaimed that the X Division had "no limits" during the title's heyday. This suggested that wrestlers of diminutive stature might tangle with larger, more muscular workers, and it finally gave Cruiser-style guys more house room in an industry once obsessed with physical size.

The company probably didn't even know it at the time, but they were sowing seeds for what was to come in WWE. Via NXT, AEW and beyond, TNA helped usher in more respect for an athletic style worked by lads who maybe didn't have bulging muscles or superior promo chops.

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