10 Things Learned From Eric Bischoff's 1994 Timeline Of WCW

9. Was Told It Was Do Or Die When He Became Executive Producer

When Eric Bischoff became Executive Producer of World Championship Wrestling in 1993, he had quite the job on his hands. The Bill Watts era had been an unmitigated disaster, and the pressure was only upped on Bischoff when he was promoted to Executive Vice President in 1994. Looking to cut the amount of money that WCW was losing, Eric was forced to make several unpopular decisions. Amongst those choices was to film the majority of TV shows in bulk at Disney's MGM Studios. This changed the way WCW operated, which annoyed a lot of the talent who had come out of the old territory days. However, Bischoff wasn't doing this to irritate anybody, he was doing what he felt he had to in order for the company to survive. When signing on as boss, Bischoff was told that this was pretty much WCW's last shot as a viable company. The Turner Corporation was growing tired of the amount of cash the wrestling division was shipping, so Eric had to do something to help keep it afloat.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.