10 Things Next Series WWE Ruthless Aggression Should Focus On

1. Get The F(acts) In!

WWE Ruthless Aggression doc

On 5 May 2002, World Wrestling Federation became World Wrestling Entertainment. There was no announcement that the company’s identity was going to change, it just happened. If you were tuning in to an episode of Monday Night Raw the following day and hadn’t heard the news, you may have thought it was an ill-timed April Fool’s joke. However, throughout the show, vignettes played, showing WWE ‘getting the ‘F’ out’.

In reality, the Federation had been in a long-lasting court case with World Wildlife Fund for the rights of the ‘WWF’ name. After a dispute over international licensing, the World Wrestling Federation was informed it had to change its name.

Presented in the documentary as a ‘tidal wave’ from a creative direction standpoint, this revises the reality of the lawsuit and makes it seem as if Vince McMahon had decided to ‘get the F out’ to shake up the product. Hilariously, Brian Gewirtz mentions how McMahon didn’t want a wrestling company, but an entertainment company. This immediately raises the question: if this were true, why wasn’t it rebranded ‘World Entertainment Federation’ instead?

While Vinny Mac should be commended for his ability to turn any negative into a positive, this documentary presents events in such a fictitious way, it makes it hard to get on board. It'd be great if a new series could need to straighten the truth out somewhat - though don't hold your breath.


I am a freelance writer with an interest in wrestling, culture, music, podcasts and literature. Currently working in projects involving creative regeneration.