10 Things Next Series WWE Ruthless Aggression Should Focus On

2. Financial Concerns

WWE Ruthless Aggression doc

Let’s just get it out there: the Attitude Era was huge. Huge. It was the most financially profitable era in the glorious history of professional wrestling. We know this. But of course, what comes up, must come down.

While it was alluded to in the first series of Ruthless Aggression, the actual details of the financial concerns of WWE post-2002 were skipped over. Fans are ready to be told a little bit more involving the actual numbers behind financial problems.

Of course, Vince McMahon’s disastrous attempt at creating the XFL the first time round had to have impacted the economic climate of WWE. Be candid with it. The ESPN 30 for 30 which focused on the American Football failure went into details about how much dosh was lost. If Vince McMahon can allow himself to talk about financial failures to non-WWE specific audiences, surely he would be okay with the occasional admittance to loyalists.


I am a freelance writer with an interest in wrestling, culture, music, podcasts and literature. Currently working in projects involving creative regeneration.