10 Things Post-WrestleMania 36 Raw Told Us About WWE’s Future

5. They're Looking To The Past

WWE Monday Night Raw 1993

Weirdly for an article looking towards WWE's future, it's about to dive into the past.

Raw is starting to mimic the early days of 1993-1994 quite a bit, and that's not something anybody could've predicted for the first quarter of 2020. The humble surroundings of the Performance Center drum up images of the old Manhattan Center, the show is pre-tape promo heavy and there are oodles of squash matches too.

One could be forgiven for checking to see that Vince McMahon and Randy Savage aren't at ringside calling the action instead of Tom Phillips and Byron Saxton. Raw in the PC has become eerily reminiscent of the program's early years, and that might not actually be a negative.

There's nothing especially raw about Raw, but WWE are getting by with age-old tropes and know how to handle throwaway programming. As much as they have to be careful not to make everything nostalgic, they can sneak through this lockdown relatively unscathed by leaning on the past.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.