10 Things Post-WrestleMania 36 Raw Told Us About WWE’s Future

4. Big Show Was A One Off For Drew McIntyre

Big Show Drew McIntyre

Here's another blast from the past that's been repurposed for 2020.

Big Show was one of the more notable returnees on Monday's episode of Raw. Instead of being a thinly-veiled excuse to promote his new Netflix show though, it turned into a WWE Title challenge (one that was oddly longer than WrestleMania's headliner and was taped on the same night). Throughout, Show pretty much worked as heel foil to Drew McIntyre.

Yes, this is yet another switch between heel and babyface for the big man. There's a reason Big Show has become a walking meme - he pivots more times than the average ballet dancer, and it should come as no shock that WWE wheeled him out once more to fill the heel void in a pinch. He's unlikely to work many dates anyway, so this shouldn't do any harm.

It did reveal one thing though: WWE don't have anyone lined up for Drew in the short-term. That's pretty worrying. There was no concrete follow-up established for the new champion's coming months, and it felt like a missed opportunity that nobody attacked McIntyre post-match.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.