10 Things Post-WrestleMania 36 Raw Told Us About WWE’s Future

3. McIntyre Is The Working Champ Brock Lesnar Wasn't

Drew McIntyre

Brock Lesnar was the kind of WWE Champion who'd show up sporadically, bounce around the ring as Paul Heyman cut his usual routine promo, run through a short pay-per-view match and then disappear for a few months. That won't be Drew McIntyre's lot as Raw's top man.

He'll be a grafter.

The announcers confirmed that by putting over Drew's willingness to defend the belt almost immediately after winning it at WrestleMania. Brace yourself for lots of that in coming months. It's not going to be a surprise if McIntyre faces a revolving door of one-off challengers (like Big Show) who step up to the plate for a shot.

Drew's presentation as champion will be similar to Seth Rollins before Lesnar. Pride will be the main selling point of his reign until it ends, rest assured of that, and McIntyre will definitely be an industrious, full-time titleholder who fits the brave babyface mould.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.