10 Things Roman Reigns Could Learn From Bayley

If Roman Reigns wants to be the biggest face in the company maybe he should learn from the real deal.

With Fastlane already disappearing into the rear view mirror, there is one fact that seems abundantly clear heading into WrestleMania; Roman Reigns is all set to take his spot on the WWE throne as the future face of the company. The problem is, the fans appear to have little to no interest in accepting Reigns as the face. They still boo him on a weekly basis and even putting him up against Vince McMahon didn't help, at least not in the long-run. It seems as though WWE have somehow lost the knack of creating great, effective babyfaces. Or have they? Because competing down in NXT right now and capturing hearts the world over is Bayley. On the surface she and Roman Reigns could not be more different: she is the bubbly, hug-loving Women's Champion; he the tall brooding ass-kicker who has been wronged by those in charge. But those differences don't mean that WWE can't learn something from the way that Bayley has been booked and presented. She has got to the position she is in now for a reason and right now Roman Reigns could use a little bit of that magic.
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Roman Reigns
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A lover of wrestling, heavy music and films with disturbed minds. Follow me at https://twitter.com/Iversen83