10 Things Roman Reigns Could Learn From Bayley

10. It Is Okay To Be Vulnerable

Bayley plays an underdog, and she plays it well. Even in the naturally smaller Women's Division, she is smaller than most of her opponents, and she is not afraid to take a beating. Look at her recent match with Nia Jax at TakeOver London, which saw her pulling out the win despite being dominated for the majority of the encounter. She was not afraid to take those bumps and accept that she was outmatched when it came to power. In doing so, it made it all the more exciting when she conquered the odds. On the flipside, Roman Reigns will rarely be the underdog in his career. He looks like he has been chiselled from granite and is bigger than most of the roster. However, now and then he will be the underdog, for example at the Royal Rumble. When Reigns was ambushed by the League of Nations and put through a table, we should have been worried about him. Instead, he insisted on walking out under his own steam. If you can walk, you can wrestle, because (in the words of JR) this ain't ballet and true babyfaces fight on if they are still standing. If Reigns had taken a leaf out of Bayley's book and shown some vulnerability that day, he would have looked like a genuine hero for returning to the ring having not been able to walk only a short time before. Instead, it just continued to cement his reputation as some kind of superhero. Something the fans have made clear they have zero interest in.
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Roman Reigns
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A lover of wrestling, heavy music and films with disturbed minds. Follow me at https://twitter.com/Iversen83