10 Things Roman Reigns Could Learn From Bayley

7. Be Yourself

Bayley is Bayley. Whether she is in the ring, backstage or on Twitter, you always feel like you are viewing the real person. She lives and breathes wrestling and is an infectious, loving personality. When she gets home at night, she might be nothing like that, but if someone told you that would you believe them? On the flipside, Reigns never seems comfortable. When he was the silent muscle of The SHIELD, he made sense. As the rebel leading the fight against the authority, he is not believable. Would it be so hard to take him back to that original role? To have him forgo promo exchanges to focus on punching people in the face? As the classic wrestling saying goes, the best characters are just an extension of yourself, and I don't believe that Roman Reigns is playing himself. I believe Bayley is. If Reigns is ever going to appear comfortable as a babyface, it might be time to let him decide who he is in the ring.
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Roman Reigns
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A lover of wrestling, heavy music and films with disturbed minds. Follow me at https://twitter.com/Iversen83