10 Things Roman Reigns Could Learn From Bayley

6. Find Your Enemy

When the Four Horsewomen were all doing their thing together in NXT, it was brilliant. However, it wasn't until it boiled down to just Sasha Banks and Bayley that Bayley really began to shine. With the perfect foil, Bayley came into her own, and it led to the incredible series of matches that those two had. Finding her enemy, even if it was one for whom she had respect, instantly elevated her. Reigns hasn't found that foe yet. Sure, he is currently butting heads with The Authority, but when you boil that down it equates to a woman he can't wrestle, an old man he can't wrestle and a part-time wrestler who the fans are currently worshiping due to his work with NXT. None of them give Reigns something to sink his teeth into. It is a part-time feud for him to get over before he goes on to the real deal, fighting against full-time roster members. Who that shall be is up for debate, but there is one former brother and one current one who he pinned at Fastlane, who might just fit the mould.
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Roman Reigns
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A lover of wrestling, heavy music and films with disturbed minds. Follow me at https://twitter.com/Iversen83