10 Things That Sucked At WWE Royal Rumble 2016

3. Roman Reigns Goes Missing

And it's Reigns time out of the Rumble that we head to next... How are we supposed to believe (no pun intended) in a man that sits out for over half of the match, heads back in with just the final few to contest with and still fails to win? WWE would have been far better off allowing Roman to battle his way down to the final few via his own efforts. Fans would appreciate the effort. We saw right through that trick they pulled on Sunday. Reigns' absence from the match did far more damage than it did good. It's a bit of a shame Vince McMahon has been backed into a creative corner or sorts. The Chairman of the Board is obviously wrapping his new golden boy up in cotton wool ahead of the busy WrestleMania season that Reigns quite literally can't afford to miss. If he was to go down, WWE might have to rename their showcase event "OldaMania" (no?) with far more old timers taking to the ring than current roster Superstars, due to countless injuries.
Content Producer
Content Producer

Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.