10 Things That Would Happen If TNA Goes Out Of Business

4. Wrestling Becomes Out Of Favour

Whether you€™re a fan of TNA or not, a professional wrestling company going out of business is a dark day for everyone involved in the business. It sends out a horrible message to other TV stations and companies alike that wrestling is not a reliable industry and something TV executives will wish to stay well clear from. The message for up and coming promotions all over the world with ambitions to make it mainstream is basically not to bother. There is a tremendous tradition of wrestling shows being on primetime TV, something which peaked of course in the mid to late nineties during the Monday Night Wars. Although TNA have fired many shots towards WWE and have made an effort to reignite such a feud, TNA going out of business would surely put an exclamation point on the fact that we are never going to see such TV ratings for a wrestling show again.
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