10 Things That Would Have Happened If The Undertaker Joined WCW

8. Would Have Become Just Another Wrestler

Eventually however, the curse of WCW would have struck Mark Calaway, and there's a good chance he would have become just another name on the roster. Given time, the WCW creative team had a terrible habit of turning gold into muck, taking money-making stars and turning them into bland performers who had nothing interesting with which to entice fans. After all, even though it's certainly true that not just anybody could play The Undertaker character effectively, and Mark Calaway is fantastically effective in his role as 'The Deadman', the gimmick gave him something to sink his teeth into. Being a Texan biker, which is pretty much what the guy is in real life, wouldn't have really done much for the man without The Undertaker name there to back it up. Let's not forget that there fans who soured on the whole 'American Bad Ass' concept fairly quickly, wondering when the darker, more supernatural nuances of Undertaker were going to return. That, combined with the WCW brain trust, could have made for an explosive situation.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.