10 Things That Would Have Happened If The Undertaker Joined WCW

7. The Undertaker May Have Been nWo

Could The Undertaker have been the performer to reinvigorate the ailing New World Order? By the late-90's, the stable were all but dead, although the idea would reprise at the turn of the millennium, as the 'nWo Silver' seemed to be formed. The faction included the likes of Bret Hart, who didn't really seem a great fit for the anti-authority leanings of the core concept, but could 'Taker have been a crucial member? It was clear that Hulk Hogan was choking to go back to his red and yellow schtick, likely feeling it would help launch him back into the main event scene again. Fans hadn't seen Hogan's 'Hulkamania' act for a while, so the feeling was that there would be significant interest. Imagine Mark Calaway had been unveiled as the newest focal point of a revamped nWo, one stripped right back to the original members, sans Hogan. A trio dynamic would have been interesting, teaming Calaway with Nash and Hall, leading to a new era for the nWo. It's all theory, but there's every chance that The Undertaker would have been involved with the faction in some form or fashion.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.