10 Things That Would Have Happened If The Undertaker Joined WCW

5. Might Not Be Revered The Way He Is

Following on from that, there's a good chance that The Undertaker, and therefore Mark Calaway as a man, would not be held in such high regard by WWE as it is today if he had moved over to WCW. Rightly considered one of Vince McMahon's most loyal soldiers, Calaway would have turned a lot of heads - not to mention pissed the boss right off - had he jumped ship to the competition in the late-90's. It's very possible that McMahon and 'Taker haven't always seen eye-to-eye on everything, and following his return from injury in 2000, maybe there was a butting of heads between the two personalities over exactly what role Undertaker would play going forward. It still hasn't really been explored why The Undertaker changed from a dark, sinister overlord into a tough-talking biker with a family in 2000, so who knows whether or not McMahon was impressed with the idea of turning one of his biggest draws so dramatically into an altogether different character. Would The Undertaker's name cause such baited breath in WWE today had the big switch went down?

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.