10 Things That Would Have Happened If The Undertaker Joined WCW

6. Kane Could Have Been Written Out

It's crazy to think, because the character has been around for so long, but Kane wasn't originally scheduled to become one of the longest-running names on the WWE roster. If fans in 1998 were informed that Kane - in one form or another - would still be running around on Monday Night Raw in 2015, they would've laughed at the notion. A creation of Jim Cornette, the Kane gimmick was devised as a way in which to get Glenn Jacobs back on the main WWF roster. Throughout the 90's, the writing team's main ideas for The Undertaker seemed to always come back to him fighting monsters, even if it didn't make for the best matches, so why not match him up with his own flesh and blood? Thus, Kane was born, but would the character have survived had Mark Calaway moved over to WCW? There's every chance that Vince McMahon would wish to eradicate any mention of The Undertaker from his programming, and Kane could have been a sacrifice.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.