10 Things TNA Wrestling Did Right

2. The X-Division

Tna X Division "It's not about weight limits, it's about no limits!" When TNA introduced the X Division a lot of people assumed it was just going to be a continuation of the awesome cruiserweight division that WWE had. Instead, TNA made sure to mention that there would be no limits in the division and it was all about promoting a more exciting style of wrestling. Fans grew to love what they were seeing thanks to the in-ring skills of Styles, Daniels, Sabin, Williams, Lethal, Joe, Shelley, The highlight of the X Division is the Ultimate X match where there's a wire hung across the ring and the winner of the match is the guy that climbs across it to pull down the X that is hanging there. That match has produced so many amazing moments. Once again it's a unique match concept that you can only see in TNA, which is why it became one of the most popular features about the company. As an example of how the company was shooting themselves in the foot, in 2013 they announced a 230 pound weight limit for the X Division, which basically ruined the whole point of it. They said it themselves that it was about no limits and then they changed it. Samoa Joe went back into the division to win the title and since he's nearly 300 pounds, obviously that weight limit is gone. The X Division has lost a lot of steam in the last few years. When the company was at its best in the mid to late 2000s it was the best part of the show on a regular basis. If you were watching then you know. If you weren't watching you should do yourself a favor and check out some X Division matches.
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John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.