10 Things To Expect From The New TV-14 WWE

1. Or Maybe Nothing Will Change At All


For all of the hopes of WWE perhaps finally loosening the promo reins on their undoubtedly talented roster, allowing a little more violence to seep into their televised product, and perhaps even unveiling some genuinely intriguing, cutting edge programmes with the return of a TV-14 rating, there is also every chance that absolutely nothing about this global juggernaut promotion will change on the back of this eye-catching change of direction.

Now sure, fans may be treated to a few more curse words being hurled into the atmosphere in the thick of some heavily scripted back-and-forth's. But in all likelihood, with the same Vince McMahon who has been steering the ship over the last soul-crushing decade or so still very much being in the driving seat of this tired old machine, even the ability to wander into maturer waters isn't a guarantee that the entire WWE product will be adjusted for the better despite this much clamoured for shift in rating.

As long as he's in charge of the creative direction of his beloved brainchild, McMahon will do whatever the hell he wants with his stars, stories, and product as a whole.

That could mean completely ripping up the PG script and tackling the likes of AEW head on with edgy, groundbreaking content. Or it could also involve WWE sticking to what has clearly been a hugely profitable PG game-plan for them in recent times.

Either way, you can bet all eyes will very much be on Vinnie Mac's empire the day TV-14 WWE is finally once again made official.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...