10 Things To Expect From The New TV-14 WWE

2. Raunchier Content


As already frequently seen by those few hundred thousands still refusing to take their eyes away from the Tuesday night happenings going down inside of the Performance Center, WWE has been edging towards the sexier side of entertainment again already in recent times whilst still operating under a PG certificate.

And while the regularly raunchy actions of the likes of Toxic Attraction are still a ways away from the sort of explicit content pumped onto Raw is War whenever stars like Sable were ordered to get their kit off by their randy boss in the late '90s, it's safe to assume that WWE will continue insisting on pushing the boundaries on what they can get away with when it comes to adding an increasingly sexual element to their product.

It's worth noting that this bizarre concept of sex being capable of roping in the younger demo hasn't exactly paid off for NXT 2.0 in recent times, with WWE frequently falling into pitiful 0.11-0.18 territory when it comes to the all-important 18-49 viewing category for that developmental show.

But that likely still won't stop Vince and his cronies from trying to stuff some t*ts and ass down your throats in a bid to get more youthful eyes on their TV-14 offerings.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...