10 Things To Expect From The New TV-14 WWE

5. More Promo Freedom


And with the sort of routinely stellar and seemingly off-the-cuff promos often found going down within AEW's borders in mind, could WWE's latest venture into the stormy TV-14 seas see the ending of the painfully scripted era?

Now, it's worth noting that Vince McMahon's desire for stars to stick to what is written on a page and handed to them beforehand actually started coming into play in the early 2000's; a time when TV-14 WWE was still very much a thing.

But the reliance on the written word instead of going with your gut has become increasingly present and painful over the last decade or so. To the point where it's a genuine miracle any new face has been able to actually get themselves over with the paying public or stand out from the rest of the pack due to the safe, generic and bland verbiage just about every WWE Superstar is forced to spew on weekly TV.

If ever there was a time to shake things up a little and gift some promo freedom back to the WWE stars of today and tomorrow, you have to think that this new incoming era of potentially edgier content is that moment.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...