10 Things To Expect From The New TV-14 WWE

3. An Answer To Blood & Guts


To expect WWE to go from cartoonish viewing for all the family to the land of gore and carnage overnight would be a rather foolish assumption. WWE still have sponsors to please and likely won't want to spook their core audience of fans used to PG programming too much with bloody brawls and an abundance of savage stipulation bouts out of the TV-14 gates, after all.

But when the dust has settled a touch on this new direction, then perhaps WWE will opt to go out of their way to get one back on Tony Khan's dynamic alternative via the introduction of their own answer to a violent joke at Vinnie Mac's expense.

Of course, AEW's annual arena of chaos and colour that is Blood & Guts was very much born out of the former WWE Chairman's 2019 statement of his promotion wanting to stick to the PG way of producing material and not doing things of a "blood and guts" nature like his new competition were.

So, with WWE finally operating outside of said PG guidelines from here on out, would you put it past McMahon opting to unleash a brand new violent delight in an attempt to stir up interest in the 18-49 demo whilst simultaneously taking a shot at TK's company?

Forbidden Gore PLE, anyone?

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...