10 Things We Learned About Chris Benoit Tragedy From Kevin Sullivan On Jim Cornette's Podcast

3. He Doesn't Think VICE's Doc Was Malicious

Chris Benoit VICE Jericho David

Sullivan doesn't think VICE's doc was particularly malicious either.

His outlook on the Benoit tragedy is rather refreshing here; Kevin believes people have a hard time processing the double murder and suicide, and thinks personal timelines are warped by grief and a whirlwind of activity nobody could've predicted. That's why he's not keen to sling sh*t at VICE for covering it.

They tried their best to tell a tale of depression, tragedy and survival (for Benoit's son David and Nancy's sister Sandra) across just a few hours of storytelling. That was a tough task, but it's one Sullivan thinks they handled better than most. His only worry through all of this is for Nancy's parents.

Kevin is mindful that they lost their daughter under horrible, grisly circumstances, and he doesn't think it's fair they have to relive that hell time and time again. That's why he wanted to clear any appearance on the doc with them first.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.