10 Things We Learned From Becky Lynch On Edge & Christian’s Podcast

7. The Real Reason She Wants To Wrestle Ronda Rousey

Ronda Rousey Performance Center

On TV, Becky Lynch dislikes Ronda Rousey because she waltzed into pro wrestling and was elevated to a spot it took her years to attain. It's a natural story, yes, albeit not the real one. To Lynch, working with Rousey is an honour, and that's because Ronda broke down barriers for female athletes long before WWE started doing it.

Becky views Rousey as the pinnacle of her sport, and has newfound confidence in herself that she's a leader in her own industry. So, she'd love to mix both those elements together and see what happens inside a WWE ring. When put that way, her excitement makes perfect sense.

Lynch only wants to prove herself against someone she respects deep down.

There were some tinges of kayfabe sneaking through at this point in the interview. That's only natural, but it never detracted from the fact that Becky, when pressed by the hosts, revealed her admiration for everything Ronda has achieved.

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Becky Lynch
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