10 Things We Learned From Bobby Lashley On Stone Cold’s Broken Skull Sessions Podcast

7. The Undertaker Told Him To “Stand Up”

Bobby Lashley Steve Austin

Heyman wasn't the only one who had suggestions for Lashley.

The Undertaker pulled Bobby aside after a few months on the main WWE roster and told him that he had to start standing up tall during his matches. A former amateur wrestler, Lashley was used to crouching down and sizing up his opponents; he took that style into the pros, but 'Taker was having none of it.

He wanted the newcomer to "stop working small". The penny would drop, and Lashley would start puffing his chest out during entrances and (more importantly) before locking up during matches. The rook suddenly realised that he'd have to move away from old habits and become better-versed in entertaining-over-fighting.

It must've been challenging to break that programming. Bob had been taught for years never to display any emotion, weakness or show out to the crowd in the amateurs. In WWE, he had to do the exact opposite, and that took some getting used to.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.