10 Things We Learned From Bobby Lashley On Stone Cold’s Broken Skull Sessions Podcast

6. He Was Oblivious To WWE ECW Hate

Bobby Lashley Steve Austin

There's a cool moment in the latest 'Skull Session' where Bobby talks WWE's own version of ECW. It drove Paul Heyman up the wall, but Lashley admits he didn't really understand why some hated it so much at the time. In fact, as he explained to Austin, he didn't actually know so many folks despised the brand at all.


"I never read dirt sheets or anything", he said. Austin got a kick out of that, because Lashley was just going about his business, trying to improve his in-ring work and doing what WWE asked. He wouldn't learn that tons of hardcore fans bailed on events like December To Dismember or got mad at Vince McMahon's vision for what ECW should be until years after the fact.

He was proud to be ECW Champ, and never really thought of himself as comparable to original champions from the promotion's heyday like The Sandman or Raven anyway. In retrospect, he can see why peeps who enjoyed those workers couldn't get on board with what Vince was trying to do.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.