10 Things We Learned From Bruce Prichard’s Rob Van Dam Podcast

1. Prichard Told Him He Could Step Into John Cena's Spot

Rob Van Dam

When John Cena took some time off to film The Marine in 2006, Prichard told Van Dam he could easily step up and fill that spot permanently. The only thing he had to do was work on building a proper relationship with Vince McMahon so the boss could see how valuable he was.

That idea had Rob scratching his head.

Shane McMahon said the same thing to RVD, and that led Rob to question whether or not Vince actually watched the shows. If he did, he'd surely know that Van Dam had been getting strong reactions from crowds since 2001 and having kick-ass matches with everyone on the roster.

On the podcast, Bruce said that Rob didn't understand why he should have to "kiss ass". That wasn't what he was asking him to do. Instead, Prichard was merely suggesting that Van Dam open talks with Vince regularly, because it'd go a long way to establishing a boss/worker kinship RVD had never experienced.


What else did you learn about RVD's WWE run from Something To Wrestle With? Let us know down in the comments section below!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.