10 Things We Learned From Bruce Prichard’s Something To Wrestle With Live Glasgow

5. McMahon Didn’t Know What A Corndog Was

Corndog Food
By Jonathunder - Own work, GFDL 1.2, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=15607620

There was no way he was eating what Bruce and his other assistants did either.

One night, McMahon, Prichard and Pat Patterson hit a diner for some late-night nutrition. Vince, naturally, ordered some dry chicken, something the place didn't exactly specialise in. Meanwhile, Bruce and Pat had their cheeseburgers and asked for some corndogs on the side. Vince screwed up his face (seeing a pattern?) and asked what they were.

When Prichard and Patterson told him, the boss couldn't comprehend putting something so foul inside his body. The trio finally ate their food, paid and went to leave. That's when Bruce asked staff about the aforementioned corndogs, and they told him they were "still draining".

The look of disgust on McMahon's face must've been a picture. A small piece of meat skewered onto a stick that had to drip dry before being served was hardly the kind of thing he found appealing. He found the whole idea repulsive.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.