10 Things We Learned From Dark Side Of The Ring: Marty Jannetty

1. The Puzzling Murder Mystery

Dark Side Of The Ring Shawn Michaels Marty Jannetty

This is so, so puzzling.

Marty’s own stories have tied everything in knots over the years. He once trended on Twitter for claiming he “made a man disappear” as a 13-year old boy, and this is where things get mega-confusing. Jannetty says someone tried to rape him as a teen, so he hit him with a rock and dumped the body in a river with a family member.

To further muddy the story, Marty then calls most of it hypothetical. Police have investigated the whole thing, but found no evidence of murder or any wrongdoing on Marty’s behalf. So, the idea Jannetty killed somebody as a 13 year old is hypothetical mumbling?

To make things even more perplexing, VICE’s doc ends with Jannetty saying people will need to look through smoke and mirrors. His recollections of this tumultuous period in his life almost come across as a rambling wrestling promo. Absolutely nothing was cleared up here, and the mystery rolls on.

What else did you learn from the season four finale of 'Dark Side Of The Ring'? For more wrestling, check out 4 Ups & 4 Downs From AEW Rampage (Aug 4) and 10 Most Embarrassing WWE Botches Ever!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.