10 Things We Learned From Dark Side Of The Ring: Owen Hart

9. Owen Never Questioned His Safety

Dark Side Of The Ring Owen Hart

According to Martha, the WWF changed their original plans for Owen's descent at Over The Edge one week before the pay-per-view. She remembers being on the phone to someone from the company and hearing that they planned to use a quick release mechanism, but needed to run through things with Hart first.

She was worried, but Owen told her the promotion would surely get the best team for the job and look out for his well-being. That, as it turned out, was false hope; by the time he arrived in Kansas City for the show, Hart was nervous. Jim Ross recalls how hesitant he was when they shook hands earlier that day.

Something didn't seem right.

Nobody could've known what was about to happen however. JR will never forget jokingly telling Owen, "better you than me" before the pair agreed that they were both terrified of heights. Hours later, Hart was dead after falling from the top of the arena.

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Owen Hart
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