10 Things We Learned From Dark Side Of The Ring: Owen Hart

4. Martha Still Has The Clip

Dark Side Of The Ring Owen Hart Martha

Later, police handed Martha a bag of evidence from the accident.

Inside was Owen's Blue Blazer outfit (he'd revived the comedy gimmick because he was struggling to fit into the bold new 'Attitude' direction, claims Jim Cornette), some other bits and pieces and the exact same clip that had loosened right before Hart plummeted from the Kemper Arena rafters.

Martha told VICE that the clip was designed "solely for sailing boats", and that it only takes "six pounds of pressure" to release it. That was part of the plan explored in an earlier entry; the WWF wanted to switch up Owen's harness so that it wouldn't take so long for him to remove it when he landed safely on the ground.

That decision would end up costing the man his life. Martha cannot believe to this day that they thought such a tiny clip, one that wasn't even meant to do the job it was being asked to, would be safe. Seeing her hold the thing in her hands is pretty eerie.

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Owen Hart
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.